Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

DC Trip Payment #2 Due on Monday 1/12

Hi all,

Welcome back to school, we hope you all had an enjoyable winter break. I wanted to send out a reminder regarding DC Trip payments if you are paying in installments:

DC Payment #2 due Monday 1/12: If you are paying for the DC Trip in installments just a friendly reminder that the second payment is scheduled for Monday 1/12 for the amount of $279.00. Payments are made directly to Worldstrides and can be done online following the directions on their site. Please remember that if you are paying in installments not through Worldstrides EZ Pay program there is a $6.00 service fee for your payment processing. I also have our 8th grade DC Trip information page with more information about payments at the top of this blog or by clicking here:


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