Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Thursday, March 5, 2015

IMPORTANT: DC Trip Forms coming home Friday March 6

 Please read the following important update regarding the DC trip forms for your child. The trip is fast approaching and more news will be following in the coming weeks - Thanks!

DC TRIP FORMS: The DC trip packet will be coming home with your child on Friday March 6th Please look/ask for it when your child comes home Friday and begin reviewing and filling out the information required for your child to attend the trip as soon as possible. I will include a brief summary of the forms here for you to refer to.


DUE DATES (also on the cover letter)

FRIDAY MARCH 13th: Formal Agreement, Emergency Contact Info, and Medical Form due back to your child's homeroom teacher

Friday APRIL 10th by 2:20PM: Medication Drop Off Day(more details to come)

Cover Letter: The cover letter can be removed from the packet and kept for you to refer back to. It includes all of the different dates forms are due back to your child's homeroom teacher. It also includes dates for drop offs of any medications that will need to be administered to your child while they are on the trip.

Legal Form: This form is required by Wayland Public Schools for your child to attend the trip. Please read and sign the form.

Emergency Contact Information: Please fill this form out completely. In the event of an emergency staff members may need to contact you regarding your child and will refer to this form. Please note at the bottom you should also include your child's health insurance information (or include a copy of their health insurance card stapled to this form)

Medical Information form (2-sided): Please fill out this form completely so we have the most up to date medical information and health status of your child. Staff will not administer any prescription or over-the-counter medication, epipen, or inhaler unless the medical consent form has been filled out. If your child will be taking an allergy medication for seasonal allergies while in D.C. please make sure to indicate the type of medication and amount to be administered as well on the medical form. Your child's homeroom teacher may contact you regarding any information on this form/questions they may have during the weeks leading up to the trip.

Packing List and Trip Information Sheet: Please REMOVE THIS SHEET from the packet and keep at home. This sheet has what needs to be packed for your child and also all the important information regarding the trip.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out all of these forms and return them back to your child's homeroom teacher so promptly. The safety of the kids is the top priority while on the trip and we want to ensure that staff are prepared to keep all the kids safe and healthy while in D.C.

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