Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Monday, May 18, 2015

DC Night Thursday May 21 Information for Families PLEASE READ

Hi all,

  Here are some updates and info for this Thursday's DC Night on May 21st. We look forward to seeing everybody that evening as we reflect on our experience in DC through pictures, projects, poetry and stories!

Schedule of events:

-DC Night begins at 7:00PM

-KING Cluster families Proceed to theater first for DC Slideshow at 7:00PM (after which proceed to cafeteria for poetry and DC Projects)

   -MARTIN Cluster families Proceed to cafeteria first for poetry and DC Projects at 7:00 PM (after which proceed to theater for the DC Slideshow)

-Memorial Projects and World Language Postcards/Quilt on display in hallways

-DC Night Bake Sale Fundraiser in the Main Lobby for the Matthew Pucino Memorial Foundation on behalf of the 8th grade class

Thank you to those who have volunteered to bring in baked items for our DC Night Fundraiser for the Matthew Pucino Memorial Foundation (Please see the previous post from last week on this blog)! We have many students who have volunteered to assist with the bake sale that evening.

The bake sale will be "Donate What you Can, Take what you would like". There will be no price tags on any items. We will have ziploc bags of various sizes for you to pick and choose from our bake sale tables. We will also be selling some of the t-shirts for $10.00 made by Matthew's sisters for the memorial foundation in his name shown in the picture below as modeled by myself and my son Sam.

If you are able to provide a baked item for the fundraiser please either email me at richard_battaglia@wayland.k12.ma.us or fill out the google form below:

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