Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December House Block on Friday 12/11 Community Service Day

Hi all,

  Just wanted to send along a brief update regarding the December House Block for parents which will take place this Friday December 12th. This is a community service period where students will be doing a particular activity during this time:

HOMEROOM MEALS:  All 8th Grade homerooms will be preparing meals for 10 families in our community in need of assistance during the holiday season.  This activity will take place during our house block on  Friday, December 11th. We are asking students from each homeroom to bring in the ingredients and then we will use slow cookers to prepare the food.  The meals will be picked up by Parmenter on Friday afternoon. We greatly appreciate your help and support with this project. Below you will see a link to each of the homerooms in the cluster and the ingredient list. You can find your child's name and see the ingredient they signed up to bring in for next Friday

8th Grade Homeroom Ingredient List (Click on your child's homeroom to see the item they will bring in for the meal) This is the item that they will be bringing to their homeroom on Friday December 12th.

Battaglia/Netcoh Homeroom

O'Keefe/Montwieler Homeroom

Coach A/Valdes/Farina Homeroom

McDonald/Benzie/Cerrone Homeroom

Sumner/Rivera Homeroom

Farley/Bowles/Posner Homeroom

Reddington/Sylvester Homeroom

Nichols/Peirce Homeroom

McCormack/Poulo Homeroom

Sands/Murray/Caufield Homeroom

In addition to the meals, students will also have the opportunity to work with some "friends of our community" during this house block day.  Some residents from Sunrise Assisted Living and Traditions of Wayland will be visiting us to listen to some music, play games and tell stories.  Some of our middle school students will be visiting Elementary School classes and will share a story and assist students.  In addition, students will also be making rainbow looms for children in the hospital, holiday cards and letters for soldiers and sandwiches for the Salvation Army.  We are hopeful that these activities will enhance the students’ awareness of the importance of community service. 
We are all looking forward to our community service house block on Friday December 11th.  Thanks for your help.

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