Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Friday, September 9, 2016

Early September 8th Grade News and Updates

Hi all,

   As we are getting back into the swing of the new school year I wanted to send out a few updates for 8th grade students and families:

1. 8th Grade Homework Club

  • 8th Grade Homework Club begins on Tuesday 9/13 after school. Homework club runs from 2:30 until 3:130 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Homework club for 8th grade will be located in Ms. Netcoh's room. Homework club is a quiet, focused location where students can come to complete their homework and also check in with teachers if need be for extra help or assistance.

2. Science Star Watch 
  • Science classes start the year learning about natural objects that can be seen in the night and/or day sky (stars, moon, planets, etc.) Part of this study is looking at some of the more recognizable constellations in the night sky in the northern hemisphere. We are interested in having students be able to recognize some of these constellations and also develop an understanding about how they move over the course of a night and the course of a year.
  • This can be tricky, even for adults, to identify constellations. In order to help students with this we are offering two dates for an evening enrichment activity star watch at the middle school on the dates listed below. Students must be accompanied by their parents for safety reasons. Siblings are welcome. Mr. Battaglia will lead the star watch.

    We will meet on the back field of the middle school on the soccer fields. Please do not park in the back of the school to minimize any additional light that might inhibit our viewing of the night sky.

    Each date below is WEATHER PERMITTING. We will make the call by 7:00PM as to whether or not star watch will be held on the dates schedules based on weather/cloud cover in Wayland.


    Star Watch begins at 8:15 and ends by 8:45. Students only need to see us identify the constellations once and then they are free to leave.

    This is not a mandatory event for students but if possible we strongly encourage students to attend one of the dates. If they are unable to attend on these evenings students can also download one of the many star watching apps available on smartphones and tablets and see the constellations they have learned about in class the first week of school.
**** With the cloudy conditions this past week we are adding star watches for the following dates****

     Monday September 12th
     Tuesday September 13th
     Wednesday September 14th

3. School Picture Day 

  • School picture forms were passed out in homeroom on Friday September 9th. School pictures will be taken on Wednesday September 14th. School picture forms should be brought to school this Wednesday, students will take this with them when they get their picture.

4. Fall Trip Dates

  • Much more information coming later in September about the 8th grade Fall Science Trip and Social Studies Trips But I wanted to let you know of the dates:
Tuesday October 25th, Thursday October 27th, Friday October 28th. (Your child will go on the Science trip one of these days, the Social Studies trip on another day and be in school for the third day)

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