Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Monday, May 8, 2017

Medication Drop Off Day Friday May 12th.

Hi all,

   Here is some additional information regarding the Washington D.C. Trip Medication Drop Off Day Friday May 12th.

  • Medication Drop off for the Washington D.C. Trip will run from 7:30-2:20 on Friday May 12th in the main lobby. Your child's homeroom teacher will have contacted you regarding the instructions for administering medications while on the trip next week.
  • Please be sure to drop off within the designated drop off times 7:30-2:20PM.
  • ALL medications must be in the original packages/bottles with the child's name and medication clearly marked on the package.
  • Please provide only the medication needed just for the trip.
  • Medications are best brought to drop off in a clear, labelled Ziplock bag, so as to keep your child's medications organized and separate from other medications.
  • Medications include prescription medication, over the counter medication, extra inhalers, and extra Epipens. These will have been coordinated with your child's homeroom teacher.

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