Wayland MS Mural

Wayland MS Mural

Monday, June 19, 2017

8th Grade End of Year Activities

Hi all,

The following is some updates regarding step-over day to the high school and the 8th grade end of the year trip to Kimball Farm in Westford:
Tuesday June 20th Step Over Day: We will be traveling to the high school after lunch to meet the administrators and the student peer mentors.  While at the high school, 8th graders will be given a tour of the high school and will have the opportunity to ask students some questions. This will take place during the school day and students will arrive back to the middle school at 2:00 PM.

After school Tuesday June 20th Kimball Farm Trip: Students who turned in permission slips and payments will be leaving WMS after school on Tuesday and will head to Kimball Farm in Westford.  As you know, students will enjoy a cook-out and will be able to play mini-golf, hit golf balls at the driving range, play volleyball, ride the bumper boats and of course, eat ice cream!  All buses will return to WMS by 8:00PM.  Please be ready to pick-up your child promptly at 8:00PM. If your student carries an epipen or inhaler please make sure that they bring this with them on Tuesday.

School supplies, binders, backpacks, etc: All students should empty out their lockers at the end of the day on Tuesday. They will bring their backpacks with them on the bus to Kimball Farm. All textbooks must be returned by this point.

Last Day Activities Wednesday June 19th

On Wednesday 21st students will have a special schedule with no classes. This includes the following:

1. Breakfast provided by the PTO
2. 8th grade mini graduation and house awards
3. Viewing of DC and Cape Cod Slideshows
4. Yearbook Signing and Homeroom Time
5. Lunch
6. End of the year assembly

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